Over the years PVCu System House Supplier, Selecta Systems, has grown a reputation for being the caring, friendly and supportive window and door profile system supplier, providing fabricators with a flexible and personal support package. The only UK based, independently and family owned window and door profile system supplier is building on its core values and ethos of providing a personal fabricator support and service package, as Marketing Manager, Mark Walker explains, with current and future developments from the marketing team at Selecta.
“Over the last 16 months we have expanded the marketing and customer sales support team, giving fabricators their own personal contacts for all their marketing and sales support requirements. The addition of Donna and Michele has enabled ourselves to focus exclusively on ensuring customers have access to all the latest marketing brochures and materials, whilst also providing support to the sales team. This pro-active approach has ensured that we make certain that customers don’t run out of marketing support materials, whilst giving them confidence that their requests are being dealt with effectively and efficiently and not miss out on promoting their range of products and sales opportunities.”
“This is backed up with a new range of elegant and lavish marketing brochures, with bold and fresh imagery displaying products in their surroundings whilst highlighting their benefits and technical innovations. Every piece of marketing material is not just a representation of Selecta, but a depiction of our customer and so it was important for ourselves to ensure that the marketing brochures stood out from the competition, something I believe we have achieved. The ever expanding marketing material collection does not end there with a series of new consumer product brochures and information based marketing and sales support materials in the design and development stage, whilst a 76+ page Profile Specification Guide will be launched and available in the very near future.”
The advancement in technology and digital presence, most notably through video and social media has seen businesses change the way they market their selves, their products and services. These are powerful platforms that if used correctly can reach a huge audience with very little expenditure. Selecta are certainly moving in the right direction and providing their customers with the promotional tools to take advantage of this lucrative area of marketing, as Mark highlights.
“New to our marketing armoury is the facility to offer fabricators branded promotional videos and electronic brochures. These really do provide customers with a personalised marketing package ready for use on their website and social media channels. The branded promotional videos have been a huge success, as they demonstrate the operation of products and work well on customers Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and other social media channels. The branded electronic brochures also work well especially when viewed as flip books on websites, providing a better visual presence. These compliment the hard copy versions and gives customers another avenue to promote their product range.”
Mark continues, “Talking of websites, we have just launched a brand new, fresh and easy to navigate website. The website is built around the new Selecta Systems and Advance 70 branding with defined sections for fabricators, installers, commercial and homeowner visitors. The website build has ensured that we focus on the Advance 70 brand and allows sales leads to be generated and passed on to our expanding pool of fabricators and installers. Phase two of the website development will see the launch of the Selecta Support Centre, which will be a dedicated customer only area with all marketing, technical and general literature downloads and information available to every Selecta fabricator. What this means is that all product related information is just a few clicks away whether it be images and brochures to technical manuals and test reports – information at their fingertips for their own promotional campaigns and website builds or for commercial and specifier requirements. There are other features in the pipeline that ensure that customers’ needs are met and surpassed.”
One of the key elements of the Selecta marketing package is that everything is prepared in-house in regards to design and creation. This gives flexibility and total control over everything that is produced for customers, with a graphic design service also available to those that require that extra support. This enables relationships to be built with a personal approach to customers’ requirements.
Mark concludes, “Ensuring that we offer a quality and comprehensive marketing and customer sales support package is of paramount importance to Selecta and that our products brand, durability and quality is well represented in front of the consumer. This in-turn gives our customers the right materials and confidence to promote and sell their range of products.”
If you’re interested in becoming a fabricator or installer and want to #bepartofthefamily contact us now on 0121 325 2100 or email marketing@selectasystems.com