It seems that many companies are adopting ‘new’ strap lines and hashtags around new-found sets of values and a fresh company ethos in light of the current pandemic and industry plight. Selecta Systems Sales Director, Andy Green, talks about the strong and longstanding values and ethos of the family-owned business, that has become characteristic of Selecta and have really shone during recent events whilst also standing the test of time.

Over the last 12 months or so we have seen the way we live change considerably, with almost every person having to adjust and become accustomed to the new living conditions. The same can also be said of how many have had to do business and communicate. It does, however, seem that it has taken a pandemic and an industry boom, during which the industry has suffered material and product shortages, for a number of companies to react and actually realise that customer care, complete customer support and the whole customer experience are just as important as the product and services of which they provide.
When we opened up and shared our #bepartofthefamily company ethos at the beginning of 2016 it was both bold and unique as a systems company, especially as we were within an industry where large investors and investment groups had taken control of system houses. We were and continue to be the only UK based, independently and family owned PVCu profile systems company, something we are extremely proud of, especially when you consider how many systems companies have fallen by the wayside over the last twenty years.
This valuable and focused message has allowed us to lift the lid on the Selecta ethos and company values, connecting with the industry as the friendly, approachable and caring company who are more flexible and accommodating than the competition. The clear message being that customers become ‘part of the family’ and not just another number on the books. This whole family ethos is ingrained within the business, with longstanding, knowledgeable and experienced staff looking after those that choose to be part of the journey and more importantly the family.
Providing a personal and unrivalled customer care and support package has always been an integral part of Selecta’s culture with the approachable and flexible nature of the business being fundamental in our recent success, especially over the last 12 months or so. Sales records have continued to be broken, with March recording our strongest sales ever and new customer numbers exceeding all expectations.
It is often said we go above and beyond on what other systems companies do, but it is what we do and again that is down to the flexibility, knowledge and vast experience within the business. You deal with the ‘doers’ on a daily basis and decisions can be made quickly without a large board of directors and shareholders breathing down your neck. All-in-all, what I am trying to say is that Selecta have always been customer care driven, approachable and supportive to our customer base, one big family and the recent events haven’t changed that stance. With some now adding the ‘family’ hashtag into their communications, we haven’t had to change our family ethos and values during these challenging times for all. It is like we got it right, right from the start. In fact, here we are some five and a half years on from sharing our #bepartofthefamily ethos and values with the industry and it is a message that now seems even more stronger and pertinent than ever before.